We’ve discussing about crimes in class. In the US, as of 2008 there has been 19 school shooting cases. Watch these two videos on the Virginia Tech shooting – try to figure out what are the reasons for the gunman to unleash his fury in such a way

Hi GNPL5.3!

Today we will be finding out more about you! Click on the link below and answer the 72 questions (YES! There are 72 questions!). When you get your results, click on your type description (there should be two, you can just read one) and more importantly, your career with Jung indicator.

Post what type you are in the comment section so your other classmates can find out what you are too! 🙂

Click here to find out which type you are!

Welcome back to emdeegp.wordpress.com! I hope we all can make full use of this blog to share information and ideas outside class!

So we are going to start a new topic ‘Culture’

How would you define culture? and what is the difference between culture and tradition? (are they any differences in fact?!)

Below are some traditions in a culture that you might find strange

The Sati Culture in India

Sati is an ancient culture that existed amongst the Hindus in India, where a woman would burn herself on her dead husband’s funeral fire. It was considered an honorable act and the widow was believed to enter straight into heaven, as a reward for her sacrifice. She became a goddess and statues were built in her honor.

The act was banned by the British Government, but in the late 1980s, an instance was reported. Another case was also reported in 2002.

Chinese Foot Binding

This was an ancient and extremely painful tradition practiced by the Chinese. An estimated 5 billion Chinese women were subjected to excruciating pain in a bid to make their feet look elegant.

From as little as the age of four, a young girl would have her feet bound tightly with bandages by elderly women. These bandages were kept on, but were changed regularly and increasingly tightened. The general aim of foot binding was to keep the foot at a desired size of 3-4 inches.

After years of agonizing pain, toe deformation and tight bandages, the girl would end up with a pair of tiny, folded feet.

Masai Spitting

This isn’t just regular spitting we are talking about. The Masai tribe (an ethnic African group found in Kenya and Tanzania) have an unusual way of greeting friends: they spit on one another. Furthermore, when a new child is born, the Masai men will spit on it and say it is bad – believing that if they praise the child they will curse it to a bad life. When greeting elders, a Masai warrior will spit in his hand before offering it to be shaken – as a sign of respect. Masai tribesmen are well known through the media because of their practice of elongating their earlobes.

Do you think there are any traditions we have that might be deemed strange or weird by those who are not familiar with our culture? leave your comments below! 😀

Salaam and hi all

I doubt anyone has been visiting this blog. But if you have, sorry for being MIA! This blog will resume its normal business once i get back to teaching. Til then, if you need to contact me you can email me at aewana@gmail.com 🙂

As numbers continue to rise, do you think its a good idea to close down schools? What do you think? Post your opinions below!

Here’s what a particular reporter thinks. Do you agree?

Here’s how we are dealing with the containment of the disease

hi guys. Just wanted to share with you and tell you that i’ve put up your videos here

So far i’ve uploaded two videos up. do comment on them! I’ll try to upload the others soon 🙂

After watching yesterday’s documentary, what factors do you think contributed to the two young men’s violence?

Here’s an article that tries to make sense of it

An excerpt from it:

After the Columbine shooting, scapegoats like the NRA, Charlton Heston, Marilyn Manson, school bullying, the ‘trench coat mafia’, the media, and the United States government were blamed for the tragedy. Michael Moore took the chance to blame all of America – or just the right-wing, gun loving part – for it in his 2002 Oscar winning documentary Bowling for Columbine

Whoops just wanted to add a few more quotes and links i have just found

one of Harris’ last journal entries read: “I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don’t … say, ‘Well that’s your fault,’ because it isn’t, you people had my phone #, and I asked and all, but no. No no no don’t let the weird-looking Eric KID come along.”

As he walked into the school the morning of April 20, Harris’ T-shirt read: Natural Selection.

Harris seemed to feel superior to everyone — he once wrote, “I feel like God and I wish I was, having everyone being OFFICIALLY lower than me.”

From here

Interestingly though, conspiracy theorists have come up with this

According to the final report of the investigation, only two people–Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17–planned and executed the mass shooting at Columbine High School outside Littleton, Colorado, on April 20, 1999, leaving 15 dead and 23 wounded. But at least 101 eye- and ear- witnesses remembered it differently

Want to know what they said? click here

Hello everyone,

Term 3 is right around the corner, an important time for everyone of you. For the L6 it will be your end of year exam soon! and for the U6 it will be your life-altering A-Levels. Dumdidumdummmmm

Remember if you have travelled within the last week (arriving in Brunei after the 23rd of June) you are advised to stay at home for another week from the day that you arrived here. (You lucky people!)

Here’s something to cheer us up. Which one can you identify most with yourself?? You can leave your comments below


Looking forward to seeing you all =)

Since the L6 are doing crime and punishment (and this will be a good read for the U6) as well, I came across an article that would be highly relevant to us and would be good to talk about in class.

Last moments of Ben Kinsella revealed as three are convicted of stabbing him to death for ‘disrespect’

Killers seen chasing Ben on CCTV moments before stabbing

Ben steps out from behind a van after being stabbed by three youths in the early hours of the morning in North London. At first glance he looks unharmed

Ben steps out from behind a van after being stabbed by three youths in the early hours of the morning in North London. At first glance he looks unharmed

As he steps out into the middle of the road it can be seen that Ben's shirt is covered in blood on his left side

As he steps out into the middle of the road it can be seen that Ben's shirt is covered in blood on his left side

As he continues across the road to rejoin his friends he begins to weave and stumble. As he reaches the corner of the street, he collapses out of sight

As he continues across the road to rejoin his friends he begins to weave and stumble. As he reaches the corner of the street, he collapses out of sight

Apparently the murderers showed no remorse in stabbing Ben. Why do you think people like these exist in a developed society? What are the reasons for commiting crime? Is it something innate? Or something learned from society? What do you think??

As you all know by now, I am a fan of the weird and bizarre

Here’s one! Jyoti is the smallest girl in the world

Jyoti at school

Jyoti at school

She is determined to lead a normal life which is very admirable – but do you think she will be faced with discrimination? A UK TV channel is going to make a series about her life. Do you think reality tv shows are good? Or are they exploiting those who are disadvantaged? Tell me what you think!

For the whole detailed report. Click here